

You can download minutes of Dodington Parish Council meetings here.

The Parish Council has regular meetings of Full Council, plus Committee meetings.  You can download meeting minutes as they become available on this page.  If you need assistance in accessing these documents, please contact the Parish Office – 01454 866546 / clerk@dodingtonpc.org.uk

Parish Council Meetings

Minutes and downloads

Draft minutes Finance & General Purposes committee meeting 15th July 2024 817.45 KB 4 downloads

Draft F&GP minutes 15th July 2024 ...

Draft Minutes of Planning & Transport Committee - 8th July 2024 488.50 KB 3 downloads

Draft Planning Committee Minutes 8th July 2024 ...

Draft Minutes of Community, Leisure & Environment Committee Meeting July 2024 219.11 KB 6 downloads

Draft CLE Minutes 1st July 2024 ...

Minutes of Full Council Meeting 24th June 2024 119.69 KB 5 downloads

Minutes of Full Council Meeting 24th June 2024 ...

Minutes of Finance & General Purpose Committee Meeting June 2024 541.62 KB 7 downloads

F&GP minutes 3rd June 2024 ...

Minutes of Annual Meeting of Parish Council May 2024 110.94 KB 3 downloads

Minutes of AMPC 13th May 2024 ...

Full Council Minutes May 2024 122.38 KB 6 downloads

Minutes of Full Council Meeting 13 May 2024 ...

Full Council Minutes March 2024 258.91 KB 28 downloads


Draft Planning & Transport Minutes 15th April 2024 783.75 KB 16 downloads

Draft Planning & Transport Committee Minutes 15th April 2024 ...

Draft CL&E Minutes April 2024 527.55 KB 14 downloads

Draft CLE Minutes 8th April 2024 ...