Members of Dodington Parish Council recognise that being out and about in the countryside can be very enjoyable. However, it is important you make sure you don’t leave any rubbish or barbecue remains around which could start a fire.

  • Avoid open fires in the the countryside. Always have them in safe, designated areas.
  • Put out cigarettes and other smoking materials properly before you leave your vehicle.
  • Don’t leave bottles or glass in woodlands. Sunlight shining through glass can start a fire. Take them home or put them in a waste or recycling bin.
  • If you see a fire in the countryside, report it immediately.
  • Don’t attempt to tackle fires that can’t be put out with a bucket of water – leave the area as soon as possible.
  • Never throw a cigarette out of a car window – it could start a fire and ruin surrounding countryside.
  • The Countryside Code contains further advice. For more information visit

The brochures below published by Avon Fire and Rescue also give safety tips….

Be BBQ Safe.

charcoal barbecue 

disposable barbecue