Message from the Chairman of Dodington Parish Council
We are now well into the third month of lock down and following the recent relaxing of restrictions we are facing a major issue with litter, fly tipping and anti-social behaviour by a few inconsiderate people.Photo of Chairman David Lane
Our parks are currently open for recreational purposes, but the play equipment is still not to be used and is therefore taped off in line with government rules. However, every morning some or all of the tape has been removed, shredded and scattered adding to the litter left by unhelpful people who are leaving their mess by bins already full, despite being emptied frequently.
These problems are causing our dedicated ground staff major problems in clearing up and re-taping the equipment so that the Government guidelines are met, and of course, the additional cost of this will eventually be passed on to you, the residents of Dodington.
Although we do our best to maintain these areas to the high standard we believe our residents deserve, we are not able to police these areas and it is for you, the parishioners, to report any breaches of the rules to the police, who are stretched but doing their best to patrol our areas at regular intervals.
To conclude, I want to thank all our small dedicated parish council staff team for the additional work they are doing through this pandemic, from our groundsman, litter pickers, cleaners, our office staff Hannah, Pip and Liz, who (although nominally working from home) are putting in many more hours under stressful conditions, all to keep Dodington as safe as possible.
Please help us to keep Dodington safe and fit for all:
  • If you see large groups not socially distancing report it to the police
  • If you see anti-social behaviour report it to the police
  • If you take a picnic to our open spaces please take your litter home, even if there is room in the bin.
And lastly if you see our staff or our dedicated police out and about please give them a big ‘Thank You’ for the work they are doing on our behalf.
David Lane
Chairman, Dodington Parish Council