Sutton Seeds Trophy for outstanding nature conservation

2022 has been the best year ever for awards at Wapley Bushes:

South West In Bloom:

  • Wapley Bushes Local Nature Reserve – Level 5 (Outstanding, the highest level) Neighbourhood Award
  • Wapley Common and the Orchard for the Future – Level 5 (Outstanding, the highest level) Neighbourhood Award
  • Wapley Bushes Local Nature Reserve – We are this year’s winner of the Sutton Seeds Trophy for Outstanding Nature Conservation
  • Glowing feedback received from the assessor

Keep Britain Tidy:

  • Bees Needs Award for second year – making our green spaces pollinator-friendly
  • Green Flag Community Award yet again, with good and useful feedback

Many thanks are due to Tim Fairhead and all the Wapley Bushes Conservation Group volunteers for their hard work behind these awards, and of course to Parish Council staff Ken and Jon for their practical work keeping Wapley so tidy and welcoming.