New Year Address from Chairman of Dodington Parish Council, David Lane
I hope all our parishioners are safe and well and enjoyed the Christmas break despite restrictions. 2020 was a difficult year and one that we will not forget in a hurry. As we enter the New Year, even with the good news of the vaccine, we are in for some tough times.
The announcement of the third national lockdown from 5th January 2021 is maybe not how we envisaged starting 2021, but the figures for infection rates, hospitalisations and deaths are stark and cannot be ignored.
I would urge you, wherever possible, to Stay at Home and Stay Safe.
If you require support during the following weeks, there are local organisations that can facilitate this. All information is available on our website, but if you contact the office they can help too.
The Parish Council office remains closed, but our Clerk, Deputy Clerk and Admin Assistant are all working remotely. They can be reached either by phoning 01454 866546 or emailing
The Parish Hall remains open just for Raysfield Preschool, who as an Early Years setting are permitted to operate.
Our parks and public open spaces are available for people to enjoy during their daily exercise. The children’s play areas remain open, but residents should not use the adult fitness equipment or basketball courts / 5 aside football pitch. The equipment and bins will be checked and emptied three times a week. Please can I ask that you dispose of your litter responsibly, and if the bins are full don’t leave rubbish by the side.
Remember ‘Hands, Face, Space’; wash hands before coming out if you plan to use play areas, bring sanitizer with you and wash hands as soon as you get home. Try not to touch your face and ensure social distancing is maintained. If a play area looks busy, then consider coming back again later.
We still have some emergency funds available for local groups and organisations through our Covid-19 grant scheme. Further information about this can be found on our website.
My fellow councillors and I would like to express our thanks to our small but dedicated team of council employees for the stupendous efforts they have already made and are continuing to do, to keep Dodington as safe as possible during these very difficult times.
I am hopeful with the swift roll out of the vaccine as planned, and with everyone playing their part, we will be in a better place come late spring / early summer, so I won’t wish you a Happy New Year – but I will end by reminding you all to Stay Home, Stay Safe, Protect the NHS and Save Lives. We will get through this and we will be able to meet again.